i created a website, lasted two years, in it i wrote some heavy psychotic worshipper of Allah type of ordeals... didn't amount to much, as it's another language in another dimension to most of humans.
when i say most of humans, i literally mean almost every single human. if i were to find another like me, i'd go into depression and pain solitude until i break that person's ego in my mind. i say ego because ethernetgo is really what life is about now. real life communication is seldom honest nowadays, it's all a facade of falsehood just so they don't have to feel. i don't know, i rant often and i am only human. but i am a djinn of a psychotic worshipper and that is my pride.
worshipper ego - go warship online. it's better than LAN lol. real life protects honesty with the blanket of Islam. But on the internet we are all anonymous essentially as soon as we shut down the computer we stop existing to others, and that's what helps us to build strong honest connections and learn who we are through those encounters.
I am proud. I am weak. I am human.