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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Three six mafia destruction terror

“Look in the eyes of this mother fucking wise guy”
I agree. My eyes alone show I’ve done it all. They take any stab in the ballpark they can at me. Usually with the same ones over and over just different guys. I need to learn to hone in on who I am. I feel I’m holding my phone like it’s a purse, so feminine. But the truth is the truth. Hurt if it may. Maybe I have developed what it’s like to be a woman. And therefore am such a complete man that it feels incompetent on my part to try and find a mate. “Damn it’s on.” Damn it really do be on.
We entered a signal free zone and it sorta reminds me of a calming thought or idea or feeling. Not sure which it was when it happened. The up and down in air pressure feels nice. It’s a change you don’t experience every day. Another tunnel! Haha it went by fast. 
I wonder if dating is really worth sacrificing peace of mind and security in order to enjoy life a bit more. I wonder how annoyed I can get before I say fuck it and walk off mid date or something. I should definitely at least try it. But I really don’t want to have sex again really. When I’m horny then yeah I’m almost tempted to go for it, but with a sane mind no I don’t condone it for myself. I might condone it on others as a joke but in seriousness I don’t do it. I’ve had way too much mindless sex. I don’t think I could be turned on to do that anymore. Sorry Haris, you’ve already exploited that ‘innocent to lots of sex’ card. But my adult physical body wasn’t present in those images, and so I’m really shy about my physical presence. I have to act like such a gangster to feel adequate, but to be honest I get by after a bit of trauma when listening to family. I either freeze indecisive or I listen and follow through right away since I had no better idea lined up. I need to learn to take my time. Or else this life thing being sucky is going to be brought up over and over. Perhaps if I could learn to take my time I would try to take my time with girls and then simping (not talking about their butts or boobs) I will get laid eventually or most likely after a thorough conversation or two I’m sure it’ll happen. But.. but... can I stay focused for that long? I don’t even have a job to talk about. But really I just need to not be so judgy and give people time. Maybe I’ll get that in return and won’t be so miserable then. Hmm.

It’s not so bad

I’m in a great energetic mood. I would’ve been using my computer to exert dominance in Csgo or I would have watched people chat and laugh at random things. But I have music! Music is pretty lively as always. Andain - Beautiful Things. I agree when she says the road I went down is fine with. Cannot change my mind. Did I think things through? It was once my life. It’s probably a relief from heartbreak song. I like it. I’m so easily overwhelmed it’s fascinating. I just got overwhelmed by realizing how ideal my family is for me to hang out with and be around. And that made me sigh really big. Not sure if it was from relief or overwhelm ness. Not sure if important either, since in the grand scheme of things it’s probably both. It gives me hope to know when people buy big Coca Cola drinks at McDonald’s they don’t always finish them. I get to drink them then.
I think I’m into the whole ‘my way sucked, let’s try your way’ but am also too stubborn to really give other people’s way a chance. I’m a very stubborn lover. Hard to love. Only gets happy on whims. 

I don’t have a reality of my own

I enter the psyches of other people and judge myself based on that, and then think like that, and essentially be wearing a part of them very soon. I really wish I could just have a comfortable stand alone persona. Be confident in my opinions unless they really sound evident... you know the simple things. I want to be like everybody else. All joyful over the joyous things instead of looking back at the joyful things and thinking yeah they’re joyful. No, I want to actually be happy over them. But it takes such an amount of connection for me to laugh at them, and then I get too excited and ruin the environment most of the time. But if I play cool they get exhausted. It’s a really weird game for me to get happy. I play though. What else am I gonna do while waiting to die of natural causes? 

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

It seems like a nice journey traveled so far. I’m in passenger seat just listening to music. I just saw a water tower, haha small towners. It’s nice looking in the distance and have it be hazy as if full of clouds.
We just entered Kentucky and I did not smell any fried chicken. 
Water always looks better in rounded bodies of water. Well I just had that thought because this one pond looked so cool to hang around and look into. Head visors in a car make me uncomfortable because it’s such a fail way to make the sun stay out of your eyes. Perhaps I need to invest in sun glasses so I feel comfortable with driving in sunlight. Not sure.
I feel I’m blogging too much too frequently. Not sure what other addiction to turn to at this point. I don’t think there is a healthy amount of anything within this ‘healthy’ life of mine haha
I mean it’s a very comfortable life physically. But mentally I’m tortured. I’m even tortured by feeling good most of the time. Even excitement tends to scare me.. if I’m not feeling 100% secure which I rarely am. It lasts a couple of seconds at most. Sometimes I daydream and get lost within something like driving or reading other people’s chat messages. Which is great. But when I try to feel out my emotions and think about how I feel related to other people I feel they are enjoying way too much compared to me. I am just always too scared to enjoy anything. And if I’m feeling safe it’s also because I’m bored. That child choice of mine really has left me quite defeated. Music makes things alright because I can relate to any words they say as I’m always in an emotional turmoil for the most part. I’m slowly facing my reality. It’s a real bipolar kind of a situation. On one side I blame myself for what happened and find comfort in it. Then that bothers me and I find more comfort in thinking I’m the product of child abuse and that it’s not my fault. But if it isn’t my fault then why am I required to keep it together? It’s probably a childish question. I’m 31. I must act my age. Must can suck my dick. I don’t have to do shit. I don’t have to date girls if I don’t want to. I don’t have to eat if I don’t want to. I don’t have to act my age if I don’t want to. I can be comfortable trying to find comfort in my trauma. And just focus on being my own friend for the rest of my life. Because before when I jumped towards being someone else’s friend over being considerate of myself first I lost my soul for a very long while. I’m shaking now. I was feeling powerful until a stranger looked at me and I lost myself again. Now I feel broken and shattered again. I believe all people are as evil as the worst of people. But it isn’t true. 
I enjoy good thoughts if I can keep them to myself. If I let them free then yes I am fulfilling my biological social needed quota but it is at the expense of immediate happiness and also focus draining. It is also like gambling because sometimes the return really is powerful. And it’s a much needed kind of a powerful, but it’s scary to gamble. Such is social life for me. 
I understand love songs so much deeper than anyone else I feel. But I’m probably wrong and I’m just more sensitive or something. What’s to understand haha it’s all just pleads after one’s feelings. They all want you to prioritize them and that’s basically it. This is going good. Smooth driving so far.
The day really is beautiful. There isn’t sun in this part of the road and it’s nice and hazy too.. reminds me of Delta Force 2 the computer video game. It had guns and an army based fighting standard. Like a typical army video game. When the sun shines it reminds me of Just Cause 2, which is another computer video game. And in it it had great graphics and when you were falling out of the sky, the sun sometimes would shine out of the clouds on the water/big ocean sized body of water.. and it would look very nice to look at. The player enjoyed the scenery as much as the fighting mechanics. Great game. Now we’re going through a darker more rainy map of Delta Force 2... hope we see enemies soon because it’s getting scary without people anywhere. Hope I don’t get knifed and hear that choking sound out of my player model. A farm looking land with clouds above it reminds me of a Japanese anime called ‘Is It Ok To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?’ Because of the beauty involved in that anime, it’s theme and such, not the girls in it. 
Now it’s sunny and still hazy so it’s reminding me of a Pakistani road with the sun scorching it creating a watery steamy mirage. Back to a rainy Delta Force 2 map again. It looks like a long range one, where people hide behind these anti tank spikes. Looking at the immediate trees to the sides reminds me of science class in 7th grade, because there was always fresh looking boring bushes and trees right outside the windows and they were always visible from inside the classroom. 
I would have been a really awesome awesome guy if I hadn’t been raped. I think sometimes that it’s better it happened for afterlife cuz now less worship is probably due out of me since I suffer daily anyway. But man would my life have been nice and amazing like everyone else’s if I hadn’t had to grow up in a traumatized way. It messed me up so bad now I can’t be attracted unless it’s rapy vibes. Shit sucks. I’m a joke now. 
But I’m doing well and feeling quite calm and good, which sounds healthy. And I don’t think I will reach anything negative. I must surmount this climb as well. I will do it. There’s nothing I cannot accomplish. There’s nothing I cannot accomplish with the help of God. I’ll be fine. It’s a fine line indeed. 

Sitting amongst mosquitos

And waiting for my shadow to get done smoking. I realize life sucks but it’s not worth mentioning so yeah even today life is grand. 
I’m so priveledged that I find boredom an annoyance. Being well fed, being well smoked, being well loved and respected by all my family members and everyone I come in contact with, even on the Internet. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Another rage

It’s strong and trying to boil itself up. I’m afraid if I don’t talk about it, I may be consumed whole. I hate acting sad, even though that’s all that this shell experiences and all.
Let’s see what great ideas are there: enjoy what’s on tv, listen to the babies’ chatter, thank god for having no worries yet so much to do, and go have a nice relaxing throat fuming lung hurting cigarette. Or even talk to a loving family member. My dad accepts me for who I am. My mom is very impatient like me, but I’m traumatized so it hurts to communicate with her.

Cigarette coffee weed and music

Four drugs. What use is any more drug if it inhibits you? God I’m a hypocrite.
Really nice future with those things though. I mean all at once and it’s a blast. 
We’re bout to go and so packing up with me sitting on a chair to the side. I love my family and all the people in it. It is my single greatest riches in the world. I don’t have any hopes or expectations of life becoming better than how it is right now. It is absolutely wonderful. There are no complaints and all luxury. Maybe I’m just happy to be unburdened of my life long secret with my father and seeing him still accepting me really cheered me up on a soul level. It feels I’m actually a virgin again. It’s classic. Hope it lasts.
I don’t blog when I’m sad, maybe I should try it and see how liberating it is to let others have dirt on me. Not sure.

It really is a blessing on new weed day. It’s nice to see it working more. I’m feeling pretty sway. In a nice way. 

Last night a grasshopper jumped on my friend and my friend noticed the grasshopper looking at him like my friend was in the wrong place and the grasshopper was just looking at him like what’s wrong with him.

We’re about to go

Getting things in order so we can proceed on our trip towards Charlotte, NC. I’m eating a sour apple pop sickle and life has never been better. I jest, life is good though. Not much to complain about. Just sitting here in the kitchen at my parents house. As per usual. I feel highly motivated to do absolutely nothing.
It is wonderful indeed. I’m not even sure what I’m writing about anymore but it’s there. It is just dormant right now.

It’s so sad

My throat hurts and I want to smoke still 
So sad but a necessity none the less 

I wonder if I’ll end up dead in a ditch just from cigarettes
Life’s turning up with it’s new cigarette smoking restrictions... maybe I’m not as suicidal as I was a week ago, because usually I smoke a cigarette as soon as I wake up but today I haven’t done it and I’ve even typed things. That’s good. But not as great since I’m already awake at 9am. I hope this throat irritation goes away and I just want to smoke in peace and get more peace from it. I really am saying fuck the world while I light up this cigarette by first fucking over my poor lungs and my poor throat and all the organs disturbed by my smoking cigarette habit.
The burn is so delicious in the first two puffs, after that it’s all downhill unless you do something cool or get an image boost, then you can mask the pain with a feeling of feeling cool.
At this point I am feeling relief from blogging so this is going great. But it’ll plateau out back into nice normal sanity.
Just had a big smoke belch. Not sure if it’s supposed to boast my ego that I took nice hits, or my body caving from the hunger. I feel nice today. I wish everyone in the world could feel the glow im feeling. It’s got hope and power and acceptance all in one package. Ugh a sneeze just took away my focus.
‘What does it all meean?’ I remember being in my UMSL College days and I would walk around aimlessly and hopelessly from class to class rounding up a B grade average. Still confused when I became overqualified. 

It's just so confusing as to what I'm meant to be doing 24/7. There's cigarettes. And then there's family. There's lungs and there's pleasure. I have so many choice choices to pick from. (Choice as an adjective I got from the movie Lilo and Stitch). I need more energy. I need more cigarette smoke. I need to live more. I need to breathe more. More more more. It's alwaays more. Wanting more. It never ends. It won't end. Human nature. It's why I have decided to not love again. It's why I don't think my story is sharable with new faces. It's why I am not concerned if more know about my story. Or maybe I am. Because I do spread a lot of words about it to every person I meet. As soon as I meet.
The high of meeting people, even the same people, is pretty intoxicating. It's so intoxicating you start to develop a new found tolerance level and start to consume more in search of a higher high, now supported by your local humans. I wonder how such a stationary emotional high could simply just exist while being in company of other people. I hadn't felt this feeling till about a month ago (rounding up). Which is fascinating really. Verbal diarrhea really. But no it's fascinating because it's brand new. I will probably have to get used to using that safe non toxic high gotten from company of human beings rather than being on my own in my own room, and consuming mad amounts of smoke to push through the barrier of absolutely nothing. Nothing but a blind idea. Without thought. Without provocation.

Everyone develops themselves over time. I develop myself every hour. My mind is always so vacant. I can be filled with new information at all times. I doubt I'd accept just any kind of information, but given the right kind I would indeed accept it. I am ready to accept it. Waiting to accept it. I wonder if that's why I'm perceived as such a hot persona... Because I am vacant in the brains. So since it's harder for me to pay attention to people, it is also seen as more valuable when I do finally pay attention to people. But the truth is, I am constantly paying attention to people. I just don't have a long enough attention span to hold on through the conversation or let a person speak their whole speak without interrupting them because I cannot retain all that information. I was kinged too early. I was knighted among the round table too soon. I was brought up from the depths of man to greatness too soon. Too fucking soon. Too soon. I am an unfinished person now. I am a whole child now. I regret nothing now.
It's great being a grown child at the age of 15, maybe go out as a school shooter or something worthy (JOKING HERE... like my tinychat pals joke), or maybe become a pizza delivery shooter guy. I don't know, it's your life and you only get one I hear go big. And then go home. But being a grown child at the age of 31/32 is downright embarassing. Embarassing in the worst of ways. I cannot even imagine myself dating or being around with a woman. If I were around one, I'd just make the most childish of jokes, and she'd have to act like my keeper or something. And nobody wants to handle all of another human's shit. That's just disgusting no matter how good looking you are. Maybe I am wrong and other beautiful people hold a different view and are able to deal with other people's shit. But I am not. I am destined to be a happy alone person. I mean only when people really question you being sexually okay is when I get bothered. Other than that... I am a content single man. Single by choice. Single by fault.
This blog is such a high.
But so is being with family.
Really I am just sucking out the happiness from being within my own circumstances, and putting them into text. And somehow making them into written text makes it realer for me. Otherwise, I feel it's all up in the air and all fragmented ideas, but to write down thoughts makes them a bit more concrete and just helps easen the anxiety of overwhelming ideas and confusion they cause.

How Djinns are connected

Djinns communicate on another dimension
and they can do it super fast.
I don't think our personal Qareen Djinn knows everything right off the bat.
Well i suppose it even could be true.
But I don't think it is true and honestly I think it's more likely that they communicate instead.
Because talking to an X girl or Y boy should otherwise be kind of a shock as to new territory people
Coming into contact and such.
Each Djinn would have its own personality
Unless they only report and whisper
And do not have their own persona that appears out of us
But then how come I can read where a person's personality ends
And where a djinn's starts.
Because I read people as just having a "their djinn" display.

I believe all people are just djinns in a sense because
their djinn is the only part that is visible about them.
Their own personality/the soul thing it never shows.

Will explain later because this is getting ridiculous.

I think all my god complexes

and social status complexes
stem from having a lack of self worth.
My emotions got played with for a week long.
Those weeks I had no idea what I was doing,
But my ego was at stake.
So I did what was best for not me,
But my image.
And now when people drop the image on me
that "hey you look like judge dredd"
Which I googled and is this Sylvester Stalone movie
where he's this badass that whoops on every guy all by himself.
I needed consoling on how to take that compliment,
Because I was confused as to if it could be taken a bad way.
I am so tortured by my self image as a result... I always
Think it's negative, a lot more negative than positive I suppose.

Well I was feeling a lot worse about 10 mins ago.
I feel calmer now.
I just have no way to enjoy life.
Other than write down that I am enjoying life.
Honestly that's as close to real life enjoyment as I have.
This is my shoes.
Welcome to them.
How do you like it?
Because if it isn't written down, it isn't true.
Right? Even God says to try and come up with your own Quran/holy book/book of rules if you can.
Well, let's do it.
We got time on earth apparently.
Let's put it to some use at least... So god knows we definitely had him in mind.
It's not like that sky daddy person needs us to worship him.
So just focus on worshipping only when it's due.
Unless you're in need.
Then you're allowed to beg in my book.
I know I've done my fair share of begging to God.
Doesn't mean I've quit.
Who knows.
But those are just my suggestions, backed with my life story so you know where I'm coming from.
Writing is like directing a movie that is live at all times.
But I was feeling powerful tonight. Don't knkow if I will have
such an experience later on.
Or maybe I'll have a better one later.
Who knows.
Be positive right.

I'm missing my dad a lot right now

He's in the next room sleeping.
But I miss him.
I love him.
He is so caring.
I just got finished watching a movie with him.
But my emotions... Maybe I didn't express them enough to him.
It just hurts and I'm missing him.
He has been very patient and considering towards me.
He prays namaz so he is 150% lovable now.
I just love him.
It's great that I have this treasure of a father with me.
But in this shitty life even I can't cash out that treasure 24/7.
As my father has his own needs... He needs sleep
And he needs food and alone time and to work and all those things.
What good is having anything in this life if you can't even use it at all times?
Ugh I can't wait to meet God.
I said to a friend the other day how I value my family as my #1 drug in my life
And he told me how he is working towards a family. And how that is one of his main goals.
I love him too. He is very kind.

It's strong

The calling is strong.
Towards into the void.
Once again this cycle begins.
I have visual clarity.
Access to gains.
Can call upon creativity at this point.
Seems like this blog is a valid outlet to convert anger into happiness.

It's quite blissful
My father is a pretty great.
But so am I to him.
I love my sister to death probably.
And my brother in law is so unique and lovable and firm that one must respect him.

Exercise doesn’t do it for me

At least not the physical one. Mental exertion and excitation does wonders for me. My mind is powerful indeed. Especially because I have been living with so much stress alone most of my life and only within the last month I’ve gotten an honest opinion on what I’ve been going through and boy it’s been liberating to say the least.
I learned a lot about what I am going through in that therapy session. I feel physically unsafe most of the time and that tells me that I need to worry about myself first and foremost. I need to stop worrying what others are going to think or else I will get lost in thoughts and etc. Non productive.

Even the most depressing songs are comforting and uplifting for me. Uplifting first because the music is cheerful in a way no matter what it is, and then the depressing lyrics let me know at least this person was functional enough to go out there and get stuff done like make mistakes or what have you. But they are a waste of energy mostly. Draining to listen to their negativity. 

God I feel powerful

So symbolic (sp??)
Listening to till sunrise by mamma

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Waisted and tired

Waisted meaning tying my waist tighter cuz i can't exactly live fully right now as I'm running a bit dry

It won't be that long
Tonight's the night
As Dexter says...
It's going to happen
has to happen.

Not knowing what my power is
Is my super power apparently
because my social status power is infinite
I notice it every time someone talks about me or i'm suggested as a topic of discussion
Although it is just in chat rooms
And in real life...
People scatter to either avoid me
Or scatter to try and fill the void in conversations that I create.

This is what it’s for

I have created a demon that interprets all that girls say to me. 
He tells me with good reasoning, ‘bro she dissed you’ or ‘bro yea that means she gave you that much dawg shit yea you oughta be glad as hell’
But until I wrote it down it was never real
Now it is

God damn it’s empty without some music
He tells me my own reflection sucks
I need outside help in deciphering simple communication 
I have a loving family to help me survive

It’s suiting that my family uses Punjabi to talk and joke. I can understand it but not speak it back, just like my desires I can’t express them... they are never strong enough to act on and I just stay confused in my pimp mindness 

Why do people choose to be their best self around me?

It's really draining

Writing in my blog makes me able to read others' stories
it's like blogging is my medicine
And I need it as often as I can get it
But also taking safe breaks for healthy cigarette smoke
to enter into my lungs and damage the once healthy foundation
healhy healthy.

People should just be their worst self around me so
I can treat them accordingly
Because I already am my worst self at all times
It would just be better
For them to pin all their pain into me
And then again I would test my limits

If I really would commit suicide with their pain added onto mine

Or is demons a real thing
To where our demons don't allow this type of pain transference to occur?
I mean what else is it?
Is it just a simple emotional barrier?
I thought people couldn't read our thoughts?
If they can feel how we are emotionally feeling at all times,
Then what difference is it if they can read my thoughts?
I feel how I think.
At all times.
I'm such a lost cause of a movie reel
Enjoy it while it lasts?
No you don't understand... It is not pleasurable to be disconnected to reality.
However that came out.
I think it's unreasonable to think anything in life would make me disconnected to reality
In a negative way.
I really think it impossible now.
All the worst I have already seen.
I applauded a little iraqi boy crying at his broken home and father killed in a bombing
I felt like I could relate.
He had a big screaming mouth on him
His rage was real
I think I could do with him being by my side.
Reflect thoughts with him.
See how funny he really is in face of adversity.

Heavy out.
Lol the heaviness lasted a second.

Watching a recommended youtube video and chatting/listening to music here n there

Youtube video: Why men like younger women is the video i'm meant to watch
I hope they sum it up fast
I hope it doesn't pest me too much
Oh god

I was meant to grow up and discover my personality
But instead I ended up doing something I know is wrong, with style
Now it's my permanent personality.
To do mock and negative jokes as the only way to truly represent myself
and laugh at those jokes deeply and socially

I think there is a huge power telling me that I will make money in the future but
For now... I need to just focus on staying alive and live through the trauma
Live through the trauma turning into actual real life emotions.
It will take time to process it
Ugh so much time
But life is long
So long
I hope me and my demon make it to be friends

People treating me just "right" and "respected"

Why would they respect me?
What is it that I have done?
All I said was "good afternoon" because it's 2 something pm at my time.

Apparently this is true love
I hid all my anger and sadness
And displayed only a positive note
And instead of them being consumed by anger, they filled my anger with creative good nothings.

I love these people in this moment, but rather it's nothing personal.
And if i were to say I love these people... they would take it personally and offensively
I know because I've tried saying that before
And it always ends ugly
People want you to love yourself so much you don't need others to love you
People expect you to be non human
People's expectations are how we define success though
It is a pretty tiring loop

But such is life
And we should enjoy it while it lasts.
I guess?
This is me being the childish fool that I am

As I write these I wonder how long they will haunt me

Because essentially these thoughts need to be processed and overcome
Or broken down and built into better and more pleasurable outlets
Yeah I was raped.
By a girl.
As a boy.
A little tiny boy.
A good boy.
Of age 6-7.
I was nice.
I used to enjoy listening to adults when they would say "God will reward you!"
I was the goody good kid.
That was faced with adversity and I took it upon me to help another person
That person used me.
That person programmed my body to be a sex god.
I am not aware of the dangers this implicates.
Because anywhere and everywhere social status is something people fight for.
It's kill or be killed when it comes to social status.
Well, I was killed at least 15 times during that week and a half process of being with her for an hour daily.
I wonder how dead I already was when I asked "again?" and she said "no, it's wrong."
And just like that a BabyGod was born.

My desire for helping someone became into me being used like a tool.
Now I try to find love in using others like a tool.
Who is supposed to teach me how to love again?
I already try to love myself as much as I can.
Nah who am I joking.
I hate myself.
I am disgusted at myself each time I am unable to be happy at the jokes people crack at me.
Each time my disgusting sad sack stare procures it's kill or be killed.
People fight each other for status or try to suck up to me super fast.
It just amazes me and both scares me as well as to what I truly am capable of now that I have this super power.

These thoughts are a super power?
Huh. Really now?
What is it good for?
Well, social status for one.
Immediate power in any sitting.
My mother would ask here, "How will that power help you?"
I will reply "I don't need help."

Man this suicidal pot is huge. I wonder how long it'll take to vent enough for today so I can just eat popcorn and watch Netflix.
This is a fucking job.
Just staying afloat and being able to have the luxury of smoking a cigarette is somehow tied into BLOGGING my thoughts.
This is actually good therapy.
And it's a pure kind of a therapy.
The kid who went into hell flames is now trying to forge his own kingdom.
It's beautiful to witness.

Good on you, kid! (I tell myself)

All in Once or None at All

I am physically programmed to be impatient.

I am physically trained and psychologically and subconsciously programmed to be very very impatient.
To the point that it bothers me.

I suppose having sex super early while knowing it was wrong and new
made me think that I have done it all as well.
So the suicide ideation fits in.
I need to speak more with myself/an audience that isn't just one person.
I'm tired of one on one talks.
I just need to express my anger on this virtual piece of paper

And God got me.
We'll be fine.
But before I log, I'll blog/complain more about my suicidal ideation
Because I can.

It's disgustingly saddening when I see people play video games and enjoy
Because I long to do that.
I enjoy a video game for a mere few minutes before it gets boring.
But I usually do keep playing to support having a hard head.
I'm programmed to be joyous in every situation.

If it isn't joyful, I'm suicidal.
And my taste of joy is quite specific.

It feels like my destiny is to be sexually active and be going through functioning up's and down's of life

But instead I'm sad no girl is approaching me to have sex again.
When they say hello or hi, it makes me think they're being a bitch for wasting my time
Yeah. It's messed up.
And I never learned to feel this way.
I have no memory of learning girls can be bitches.
But I have that fact stored in my mind.
They be 11 feet tall dark skinny demons.
Maybe that photo is phased by her being pakistani and then seeing some visions of shadow infested individuals.

I wonder how I will do in the next cigarette.
Will I have diarrhea still? Or will I go to bathroom first and then have the diarrhea anyway?
Choices choices.
Decisions decisions.
I am the biggest pimp to make happy.
It is difficult to manage my emotions in a way that is pleasant to me in one way or another.
It's so annoying what this passenger desires.
I'm sure everyone can relate with this statement at least.
People are haunted by what they want because it doesn't fit what they need. ? or wait- IS that true?
It sure as hell is true for me.
I don't have the capacity or idealogy to make relationships anymore.
I am growing daily yeah.
But into a more self aware vacant piece of shit.

The calm of my suicidal reasoning

I don't want to end my life.

I just wanted to speculate on why my suicidal reasonings might have an upside.
I think it's a good thing that I don't have to really accomplish much in life
As long as I don't commit suicide
I think I am a fine attained successful individual
I just have to learn to stay dead
And not pretend that I am alive

Pretending I'm alive just ends up hurting me because I am lying to myself.

Walk in my shoes bro/sis. Girls you go through period suicidal ideation monthly.
But you have other girls to relate to in this
I can too relate to others, but when I offer my darkest sufferings
They eat them up like it's Spam and just open the can and start chugging
That's literally how fast they go through my painful problems
I just have that look on my face like I don't need help
I wonder when this look developed

I wonder if I was aware of it developing.
I wonder if it just happened in a split second
And now I'm wondering why I was able to make that jump so easily.
Did god really intend for us to suffer this much over pussy?
Now I'm thinking that others do go through the suffering I go through,
But from different aspects.

Such as the suicidal idealogy is funny to some people.
I wish I could find someone as suicidal as me and still breathing air.
But NO. NO. NO. God NO. When I open my mouth people scram to change my attention and focus
Only the therapist didn't do that. My only one session of therapy.
But it was a good session.
I learned I am physically feeling unsafe most of the time.

But feeling safe also makes me want to commit suicide more.
I scare myself a LOT.

I want some things.
But I don't know if my body wants them
Or is ready to process them
Maybe I have had enough sex for a lifetime or two.
God I'm spoiled.

Morning cigarette

I hope I have the desire to enunciate this again that by my morning cigarette I’m always holding in diarrhea from last night’s kratom usage. So a little bit of suicidal ideation spread between having diarrhea. Physical manifestation if you will since I took kratom to escape total oblivious thoughts

One more amtrac remix

The song flexes on having money and how that’s really al you need to convince someone that you’d be a fun time. Feeling strong desires of wanting to suicide and just end it all because of the amount of growth I need to do in order to do anything meaningful in this life.

Good song though. I think it’s a pretty happy flex at least right now.

Cigarettes after sex - Nothing's gonna hurt you baby

Great song.
But the whole "as long as you're with me"
Sounds a bit too good to be true...
How long exactly will that together time last?
I forsee all the good talk because then comes the negative
News that are too good to be true usually are

Nothing's gonna hurt you baby...
Nothing's gonna take you from my side
Yeah right.
Life itself will find ways to separate us

Here on tinychat, I'm always seen as a symbol of sex.
And rude commentary is supposed to suit me and my style.
But when I do speak up, it's always good nice non-sex talk.
This is the fucking trauma I go through every fucking day
It's the same within my family too.
People are confused as to what is okay by me
And hey! So am I!

I am very very very confused by what the fuck is going on sex-wise around me.
I mean about myself personally
I rarely realize how bad I am being anxious'd out before it's too late.
Maaybe I'm bitching a bit too much.

Sia - Breathe me

I hurt myself daily.
Not physically but rather emotionally. I do it in each sitting with and without any company present. So yes I get this little girl’s approach

Listening to lil Wayne

Song called ‘Love me’

So many mosquitos out here. Keep me moving

This is nice to have a valid output to an audience anywhere I am.

I can relate so well to the end sayings like ‘as soon as I come I come to my senses’ lmao...
I'm scared of fame. I'm scared of what it brings. Responsibilities to keep people happy. Fuck responsibilities. Fuck not using curse words. Fuck life. Fuck God. Fuck god. fuck GOD. It's not between you or me or me and they but rather god and me and god himself. Not sure what this last sentence means. Sometimes I stutter while articulating and I find it even more articulative. Twice forward three backwards in sets of 5's. Nonsense. My brain does that. I'm not made to do anything but blog a fuck ton. My thoughts need to be written down. I feel too dead inside to not compose. I need to compose until I find a meaningful composition. I have a good head on my shoulders. I was just too young to realize what I was learning. It is learned by my body VERY WELL. VERY WELL. VERY WELL. WELL, VERY WELL. I wish I could unlearn it just like in a year or two as people grieve over break ups. Or maybe smart people do go through long break ups like 5-10 years. I hope I'll be fixed in 5-10 years. Shit, at least now I know my damage. It should be a downhill walk from here. I need to write. I need to write.
It's been a while since I wrote. I have decided to come back again and altogether. I missed this place. I need a venting joint. My wills are still more and more growing stronger towards ending it all. But it's just painful to see visually how much growth I have to go through to feel sane. It's funny most days I feel very insane but manage to just smoke cigs and still make it to my bed at night. I startle myself. My dad startles me. My brother in law startles me. My sister startles me. My little sister startles me. My brother startles me a lot. They only love me. But I don't know any better. Any type of attraction for me, or any love, somehow may mean I might owe them sex. That part is ingrained in my brain. Sex scares me. Sex is a huge part of life. Life is meaningless without sex. Or something like that for most people's minds. I wish to never have sex with another person again. I am fine by sexing by myself. I think it's a great way to relieve stress. I am an expert at getting the attention of chaturbate models if they allow a free user to chat. They all seem to do what I want, how I want, when I really want. This view of life is so luxurious I'm not sure anybody else in the world has it. Typing this out made me realize that it is real. I am a born writer. I almost wrote that on Facebook. I just love to stunt. I am careless. I suppose someone in my position can afford to be careless as all my feelings come back within the day or so. Then I can make new decisions. I am made to mechanically fuck a different girl every day. I am made emotionally to fuck a different girl every day. I am carved and made into a sex slave mentality. But I am surrounded by first world nation spoiled brats. Speaking of spoiled, I am spoiled in sex. I demand girls be naked and shaking their butts for me at all times that I am addressing them. It's really weird because then I'd want my sister like that too. These thoughts are not something you can make up. It's fucked up. It is disgusting. It is puke worthy It fucking puts me to shame. It fucking haunts me in my dreams. It fucking hurts to know that these thoughts exist for me. It fucking hurts. I don't like looking like a pimp 24/7. I don't take any pride in looking like a pimp 24/7. I don't take any luxury in looking like a pimp 24/7. I do take luxury some times. But not 24/7 as this curse is upon me supposes I endure. I hate typing weird. I suppose I am calming down now. This was nice. Till later, blogger.