Simply the best and easiest way to inflict self pain in order to level with the world and all the bullshit in it.
The non smokers say oh it's a billion dollar industry and all that and those white colored assholes are making big bucks off your ignorance and you are dying slowly... Well my niggas I been wanting to die ever since I became conscious. Ain't no denying it I want this shit over with. I foresee and reason out things to not do them but if anyone else can do it they agree with me.
Cigarettes are so amazing they're like gods gift for the wise and sane. Someone keeps telling me to meditate using the vapinassa medication techniques but they don't realize I'm not upset with the world or sad or mad... I'm simply bored.
Life is a bitch when you're sober because that's the realist reality there is to conceive. Girls want my soul, men want my trust, and my family wants me to honor their loyalty to me. But nobody can force me to be happy... Know why? Because nobody is actually happy. They chase themselves on their hamster wheels in order to get a bit of dopamine and endorphins rush and act tough and say oh I'm happy look at me. It draws attention because others say oh you're so happy how'd you do it. It's a lie and a fake coverup for the realist of the real point of view at this world.
No doubt some days I am so happy I feel I'm on top of the world, and those days every thing alive on this planet that can convey its emotions wants to spend time with me. But how long does it last before I'm down once again and I need their help in feeling alright?
We leech off each other because its all we got to go to. Religion is a theory of the best things to put faith into, and facts are what make atheist scientists comfortable with being alive. But look me in the eyes and tell me you know that there isn't a god and don't trip for five seconds over all the negativity and confidently tell me that there is no god and all you do is turn your head the other way or start questioning what I'm about to relate to me.
I'm not looking for a shady sketched out relative point of view because anything that's true as humans need water to survive is something every alive mother fucker agrees to. And that's a fact I believe in. It's not that I got a lot of faithin it... I just believe it because I can go my whole life and not be able to deny it. That's the difference between faith and belief.
Cigs for life.
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