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Sunday, August 25, 2013

HereisMyleak - Express yourself truthfully!

http://www.hereismyleak.com/forum/ sign up if you'd like, i own these forums

They will be about everything, basing around venting your emotions and energy without specifically targeting anybody. And I want this community more sophisticated than Reddit. So spread the word if possible. It'd really help our community to grow.

Hereismyleak.com, Hereismyleak, Here, is, My, Leak, Venting, Anger, Frustration, Life, Problems, Community, grow, knowledge, wealth, peace, discussion, forum, host, help, consultation, solution, helpful, individual, persona, personality, communicate, learn, question, ask, truth, deception, Islam, religion, christianity, existence, judaism,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm moving to tumblr now

HermitVirgin tumblr

Please join me in the tumblr adventures. I will no longer be keeping this blog as updated as my tumblr account.

Thanks :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Shit don't stop

I'm alive and well hung over from the common cold.

Still smoking a Marlboro, disregarding diarrhea tendencies.

My father is my hero tho, cuz he's affording these cigs. True dat.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year

Happy mother fucking new year everyone!!!!!!!!!
Seriously it's not like anything changed but still try to relax an realize its all new from here on lmao.

Enjoy the cold for a couple more months then the springing summer and then the leaf falling cold once again! Lets do it!

There has been joy in all of our lives thus far and hopefully life will continue to pity us and give us an easier time. Shall I say fate instead of life? I don't know but I'm trying to be optimistic you know...