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Sunday, August 1, 2021

I’m my tango white

I’m smoking a cigarette and signaling to passerby’s persuasion.
We are both attracted to one another. But only come out to eat breakfast like ghouls. Oops I spent too much now thebsun’s out. Heck let’s just call the sun Theogen. Or Thelbert. Negative! That’s more of a weapon. I don’t own rights to the sun, that be god property on god. 
Everyone here knows me for my website and contemplative directives. Still I rise as Tupac says. He never did exist I know that now. He’s a farce just like my sides when I pray.
How are house flies sitting on grass leaves? There’s no house out here. Are you the chaturbate fly? Are you Elena Gomez? 
Nicotine truly is an embark to the younger self.
You ask why this nicotine works so well on me ? It’s because I paid all my dues. I hate namaz but if I can do what I hate, my impossibly painful becomes impossibly beautiful symphony that sounds construct underground while my heart beats to be on top. 
Yesterday I sat on NASDAQ, today I sit on degrasse Tyson, whom I mispronounced earlier in a prominent blog post. 
It’s good you don’t buy god from me, for I care not to sell my devil.

Fame is an expertise

Here I lay... On the cloud 9x3.12 More redundancy of proving I'm your Allah now. I climbed this pedestal with a blind man's eyes. I climbed this pedestal without a care for the climb. I climbed this powerful pedestal without a care in the world. I climbed this pedestal in hopes of meeting my other half. I climbed this pedestal with the ropes tangled. I climbed this pedestal with coffee and heroin in my brain. I climbed this pedestal with lies and deceit. And now the devil is in my palm. I run the who-now on the where-how. It makes me cry looking at my self. I cry for myself. You need not worry. Reddit didn't like my attitude, so I tried to start my own forums. And I did this wholeheartedly. Because the power of belief was that strong. The world NEEDS TO KNOW MY STORY. The world WILL KNOW MY STORY. The world cannot ENCOMPASS MY STORY. My moral dilemmas did not exist in the land of time where I derive from. The world is a sucker for good stories. And I happen to have the best one. I don't need to jest. I just need to be told that I can do all things, and then I will decide (in my Allah-oriented right-brain mind). This right here is better than the Quran. Even the formatting is human. You must be beckoned. This rude behavior should deter you, but leave you close enough to ponder on your own. I live in invisible realities my dear reader, do you desire the invisibility potion? It's free! (As long as you can shower, you can become invincible). Send me to prison, I've trained myself enough to be ready for the studio apartment. (Ren Asermi chimed in)