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Thursday, December 13, 2012

I'm an atheist wannabe

Seriously. This isn't a joke.

I have been brain washed into believing Islam is the right religion. I can't claim it's not because then I would be lying.. Hence the brain washing.

You know there are two types of people in this world in my view; those that believe in God, and those that don't care to believe in God.

If God is so merciful, why doesn't he show us visible proof of his existence, the atheists welcome me with their logic... But then the snippet of the brain washed enigma inside my mind speaks and says "Haris... You believe a God so great cares about any of this mumbo jumbo? Look at this loser here... He's going to go to Heaven you think? No! He's going to hell! Just stop listening to his bullcrap altogether. Go pray to replenish your faith gauge if you must. Just stop this idiocy now. Turn your head to his retard-logic if you must!"

Meanwhile a side of me dies. And I mean DIES. I forever lose a friend, and I also think that "oh... those happy possibilities... weren't meant for me. How sad this is." And I cry for a couple of seconds and even make weird taking-an-agitated-poo faces but nothing helps... I am stuck in my silly old brainwashed mindset.

If there is any atheists out there that can help to motivate me enough to start having sex with random hot women... PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! Man that stuff is way too silly too pass up on I feel.. And I keep falling victim to being silly like this... What the heck man!

This blog topic is the beginning of many writings to come under this topic.

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